Evidence dates the first known Acupuncture treatments back over four thousand years ago. Acupuncture is part of an expanded set of treatments underpinned by the understanding that energetics form the foundation that all life is built upon. This is supported by modern Physics and Quantum Physics which shows everything we perceive as solid and real is in fact energetic in nature. By treating the root cause of the issue at the energetic level we can treat the physical, mental and emotional.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to influence the flow, direction and quality of our energy in order to bring us to balance. Acupuncture heralds from Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) which is also the first recorded system that acknowledges the entwining of Mind, Body and Energy. Diagnosis and treatment involves looking at how these aspects impact and influence each other, whilst applying practices and techniques bring each aspect into balance.
Diagnosis and treatment involves looking at how these aspects impact and influence each other, whilst applying practices and techniques bring each aspect into balance.
As well as the use of needles your Acupuncture session can include Cupping, Gua-Sha and Acupressure. As the client you get to choose whether to have needles used or not.
Sessions Include:
Acupuncture Taster Session | £30 | 30 Minutes
Experience Acupuncture and its offshoot treatments including Cupping, Gua Sha, Acupressure and Tui Na. This session will provide you multiple benefits to your wellbeing and show you what you can expect from Acupuncture Clinical Treatments.
Acupuncture Initial Clinical Session | £75 | 50 Minutes
This Initial Clinical Session will be used to gather information for an overall diagnosis, and carry out a targeted treatment designed to deal with the root cause of your problem. I will also discuss with you and recommend if follow up treatments are needed.
Acupuncture Follow On Treatment Session | £45 | 40 Minutes
Follow up treatments continue to treat the root cause.