
We offer Remedial Massage, which is also known as Sports Massage. Your specific needs can be discussed to ensure the most appropriate massage technique is applied.

Remedial Massage is a deep treatment which involves manipulation of all the soft tissues within the body. This can help correct problems and imbalances that are caused by trauma, posture and repetitive strain.

Deep work to the soft tissues, including skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia encourages these tissues to lengthen, relax and release their holding patterns. It also encourages physical and mental relaxation and stimulates the circulation, aiding the recovery of damage in muscular pulls and tears and giving the body, generally, a feeling of well being.

Remedial massage is used in conjunction with Osteopathy, Podiatry and many other complementary therapy treatments, enabling faster recovery for patients.

Advanced Clinical Massage

Julia Deacon has completed her Certificate in Advanced Clinical Massage at the Jing Institute in Brighton, which enables her to offer treatments for pain in different parts of the body including:

low back, neck and shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, wrist, arm and leg, knee, foot, hip and pelvis as well as TMJ (Jaw) pain.